The Advanced System Operations Changes Required to Operate the 100% Clean & Renewable Energy Systems in a Reliable, Resilient, Renewable, and Cyber-resilient Manner Workshop is a high-energy, facilitated experience that provides you cutting-edge insights into the intricacies of one of the most complex and technical aspects in the electric utility, the current and future role of the energy control system that covers the electric flow from large power plants to the customers’ residence and businesses. Utilities’, Independent System Operators (ISOs), and Regional Transmission Organizations (RTOs), and energy control centers perform the most technical and challenging task, operating the generation, transmission, and distribution grid in a reliable manner.
- System operations
- Various functions at the energy control center
- Various roles at the energy control center
- Various future roles at the energy control center
- Correlation between planning and operations
- Generation Management System (GMS)
You will receive innovative, proven and efficient methods, tools, and frameworks to apply to your organization. The methods are derived from national and international best practices developed after years of experience operating a generation/transmission/distribution energy control centers, providing training and coaching, conducting professional electrical engineering courses, and teaching electrical and computer graduate electrical engineering courses.